My Clock Has a Mind of Its Own

by @musicsongwriter

Challenge: Refrain (No Chorus)

Liner Notes

True story. I have a clock which shows that it's 2003! I don't seem to be able to change this setting. So, decided this could be a subject of a song i.e. my clock has a mind of its own. This composition is created to this week challenge "Refrain".
Refrain (No Chorus)
Write a song that uses a short repeated phrase/hook without a separate chorus section.

Thank you for listening and for sharing your thoughts. Please let me know if you are happy to collaborate with me.

#instrumental #clock #collaborationswelcome #refrain

'My Clock Has a Mind of Its Own' © 2024 Nadia Cripps. Music, Keyboard, Demo and Photo by Nadia Cripps.


I really enjoy this, the jaunty feel, the simple melody and involved harmonic development.
There's a slightly drunken feel of whimsy that I really enjoy, and that brings to life the whimsical title so nicely. I picture an animation, or maybe a claymation, of the little clock with human legs and arms wandering around, getting into all sorts of gentle adventures. Bouncy fun with a chidlike sense of exploration!
What a fabulous piece that has a rebellious vintage clock face dynamic to entertaining and projecting such vivid imagery...fantastic!