Trente Au Revoires

by @candle

Liner Notes

#mystic #mystic一rock #一sýƶýģý一 #experimental #improvisation #improv #one一take #live一to一tape #no一overdubs #jeskola #jeskola一buzz


Guess what folks, somehow I "just played guitar" & kept it short. See: anything is possible!

I've been fighting for over a week with a new Tracker song, so I decided tonight to shift gears & just play some guitar. Came up with the name of this track out of nowhere, then hit record in Jeskola Buzz, & just started playing. I really like the tones I coaxed out of my Strat on this one. And I love the fact that I got my Jeskola Wah setup to work. Still need to iron out some kinks in how it works, but I'm pretty pleased for a first real try.

See You In The Shadows…

2000 Fender Deluxe Stratocaster
DigiTech Grunge Pedal
Behringer FCB1010 MIDI Foot Controller
Behringer UMC404HD Audio Interface
Candle's "Live" Jeskola Buzz Project
Plectrum: Transparent-White Jim Dunlop 1.0mm Tortex Flex

This song is Licensed under Creative Commons CC0 (Public Domain). Do with it as you please.


Trente Au Revoires

Translation from the French: "Thirty Farewells"



Dark and watery sounding with the wah adding a lot to this one, delays work really well in here.
Opens up like the theme song for a Western like “Godless.” Then it takes on a bit of Peter Frampton. Sounds like you have a blast losing yourself in your guitar playing. I envy that.
This has a desolate country feel to it to me, the wide open, barren plains calling to me. Even as the sci-fi noises come and go, the deliberate underlying core riff keeps it grounded. The mysterious aliens may be coming, but they have nothing on the mystery of the open sky on a moonlit night on the prairie.
This is old school 3-D, with things popping out at you. Notrhing stays on the screen. Everything is popping. Some to one side. some to the other. Some close to the screen. Some right up into your eyeballs. Who knew a piece of music could lay like an old school 3-D movie?