if I let U go

by @nahlej381


Liner Notes

#postpunk #lofi #shoegaze #jesuswithasidearm #thegoodson

dang, i think i fell out of 1994 and INto 1982 for a sec then back to maybe 1999 for a quick sec. idkwtf i'm doin. goin with it. guns makes for NSFW i think...especially mentioned so close to jesus like that.


jesus, mary
what kind of guns do you carry

praise the lord
pass the bullets

if i let you go
do you think you could fly


Yes agreeing with power corruption lies sentiment. New Order drum part for sure. Yep you nailed the post punk sound. This is so good. Dope 4 sho
Well, I'm a guy of a certain age with certain sensibilities, so I love this a whole lot. Love the simple lyric that says so much. The whole vibe hits for me. Basically, I think of every time after 1996 as The Present. Back in 1982 I was listening to a lot of Power Corruption and Lies. I would have been listening to this if you'd made it then. The "hey jesus mary" part strikes a deep emotional chord
you work wonders with these 27 words, repeated so many times that the three verses containing them acquire deeper meanings and conections so much so that nothing else need be said.
I really enjoy the vibe in this one. The repetitive vocals are exactly what I need to hear along with the bittersweet music (because the earworm effect). The fact that the lyrics are off-kilter only adds goodness.
#idkwtfimdoing for the win!
everyone seems to be on a god thing today! this is the 3rd in a row. this is right into, not sute what but id know if you said it. whatever its very nice.