Can you see me? (Shifty Statues)

by @helenseviltwin Mod

Liner Notes

This is a #rehearsalrecording #electriconetake of my band, Shifty Statues. I play drums and sing. Gabby plays guitar (he occasionally sings too, but not on this). I wrote a rough guitar part and took it to rehearsal a couple of weeks ago, but we've just got it to the point where we can both play and sing it through. For some reason this one took us a while. Gabby reworked the guitar part and added to it to make it better.


Behind the shadows of your eyes
Under the conscious inner life
I am here hiding in the dark

But there's some thoughts you can't ignore
And there's some dreams you can't forget
And there's some things you have to face up to

Can you hear me?
Do you know my name?
Can you hear me?
Are you listening?

But I'm not here to cause you harm
I'm just residing in your mind
Until you have capacity to deal

And healing doesn't come easily
But it can make you free
To be who you really are

Can you hear me?
Do you know my name?
Can you hear me?
Are you listening

To what I have to say
To everything around
It's all for the best
It's all for you
Yeah what I have to say
And everything around
It's all for you

Can you hear me?
Do you know my name?
Can you hear me?
Are you listening?


I love it! Good work! ( I must admit for some reason I always mis-read your band name as Sh*tty Statues, which is unfortunate but not a reflection of what I hear, just what I see in front of me. Anyway, I digress). Takeaway - this is great, just catchy as. j$
i REALLY like the guitar part and the driving beat.

my undealt-with stuff in my brain tells me they really feel called out by this one ahahahaha! but in a nice way ;)
That riff is an attention grabber. The chorus is killer with the call and response between guitar and vox.
That’s a cool one. Catchy guitar riff. I like the repeats of “can you hear me” that drive home the urgency of the message. And then with it being a little shouty, it makes even more of a wake up call.
Cool lyrics about paying attention to an inner voice, who clarifies that they are not the enemy. (And I like that the voice is kinda shouting in the chorus.) Very catchy guitar lines too!