Lost along the way

by @helenseviltwin Mod

Challenge: Get Lost

Liner Notes

I got a new guitar - a Baby Taylor BT1E - this is it DI'd. At some point I'll do another song and put a mic on it. Lyrics are a bit maudlin and I'm not sure why. I'm largely happy.

Shoehorning this into the "Get Lost" challenge because it mentions something getting lost....


It used to seem so clear
Just a matter of time
And I believed all I need
I'd learn along the way

We get older and wiser
Every day
But it's never enough
Never enough

Things that I thought I knew
Turn out to be complicated
Things I held as true
Got lost along the way

And I hope that you still hear me
And I hope that you still need me
Even when that wisdom falls away


I find that especially when I feel the best emotionally, physically, etc, my lyrics end up maudlin. Like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. I do love a good melancholy guitar/vocal though, and this does not disappoint. Thanks for this. And the guitar is nice too :)
Yay, nice to hear the Baby Taylor :). It's sounding nice DI'd. And nothing wrong with a bit of maudlin acoustic music - I think "things that I thought I knew turn out to be complicated" might just be some kind of universal truth that we all work out as we get older in any case.
my demanour rarely reflects my writing style. i think its a sign you can recall past feelings or evn empathise. and hey its never enough if you delve too far. lovely guitar and the vox is spot on.
Oh my that little guitar sounds really good! And doesn’t your voice shine as well. Lyrically I like l totally get this. The older I get, the more I realize I am completely clueless to so many things, and there will never be enough time to know it all. I just hope those who love me will be there even when I don’t have a clue.
it is a conundrum for sure, but you break it down so simply that it seems simple but its not. singing and playing is stellar and you put the song across beautifully.
Really nice vocal delivery. I like how the melody cascades over the guitar part during the verses. And the chorus feels really big - great chords there! A really enjoyable listen. Don’t worry, it didn’t bring me down! :)