Bang Bang Bang

by @strumandstress

Skirmish: Explosions (@robinleaf)

Liner Notes



I think you’re dynamite, you’re something to be seen
When you go out at night you’re like a beauty queen
You blow me up like some exploding gasoline when you go bang bang bang

You’re nitroglycerine or a nuclear bomb
I’ve just stopped listening I don’t know where you’re from
It’s like I’m in the thick of the Battle of the Sommne when you go bang bang bang

I can’t forget that I am well within your range
I can’t regret that detonation was so strange
That burst of energy so easy to arrange when you go bang bang bang


Shades of Pink Floyd in the chords's all good. That Band Bang Bang you goy a winner here!
I really like those spirited BANG! BANG! BANG!s !!! I feel like this song drew you a bit out of your usual zone while still being obviously very you, which is great. Loads of fun.
Nicely done, vulnerability and fireworks layered to make an emotional point.
Like Roy Orbison's "Pretty Women" this write reads explosive and in song plays catchy cool and memorable. Nice work!
Super skirmishing. Catchy tune and fully fledged lyrics.
The BANGS really work!

It has a real Mid 60s pop song feel about it. I could imagine this as a Troggs song, easily.
Just a wonderful song for this skirmish! Bang!!