Shut Up Brain!

by @esc4p3

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

I do pilates on a wednesday evening and although I do it primarily for flexibility and core strength in my advancing years it also is a lovely hour where you don't think of anything else but the sound of the instructors voice and the movement.

Hence, somewhat ironically, these words were born.

I sleep really well, but my wife does not and she often regails me with her sleepless nights stories....

#needsmusic #needscollab


There's only so much chaos that I can stand
For goodness sake, it's feeling way out of hand
The noise and the ‘blah’ is getting in the way
I've had it up to here with you today

It's my brain that I am telling you about
Its tales of woe, loathing and self doubt
It leads me astray with every chance it gets
Sometimes I start to think, they aren't just idle threats

Shut up brain, please shut the heck up
I need to think, please don't interrupt
Give me some silence to think for a bit
This is freaking me out, more than I care to admit

There is no off switch for this thing in my head
It starts to go crazy as I'm ready for bed
A good nights sleep would be good at this stage
Instead of relaxed all I'm feeling is rage

Counting sheep, control that breathing
Still not sleeping, anger seething
Perhaps it's those 12 cups of coffee I've been drinking
That might just be the cause of my over-thinking

Shut up brain, please shut the heck up
I need to think, please don't interrupt
Give me some silence to think for a bit
This is freaking me out, more than I care to admit

The truth of it is, I usually sleep well
But the thrill of having a story to tell
Makes me smile and relax in the hope that one day
You'll remember that sometimes it's okay not to be okay


@nancycunning you have an email 😄
Hey, Carl - I'm hearing it in that kind of fast talking, talking blues style, somewhere between Johnny Cash's song about the Cadillac and Don't Worry Be Happy. I made a one-take recording of an improvised version of it, to get the syllable-stuffing rhythm of it. Any chance you want to do it as another collaboration - you could listen and see if you're inspired by the rough version to make some music for it, and I could sing it again.
I think @elainedimasi has it correct in the fact that this reads (and sounds) like it could be a theatre piece. If you're not able to sing it, @esc4p3 , or get another to do so for posting here, why not do it as a "spoken word" post? Done just right, it can be just as compelling as in song. And with your lyric already solid and born with cool backstory, why not (just my two cents) give it a try? What say you, elaine?
A wonderful reflection of the meditative process. It can be tough. When Nothing is the goal and Everything shows up…it is ok to not be ok. We all have ups and downs.
Wow, I feel seen! Love the cadences here. I can hear this one very much as a musical theatre type treatment, one of those "soliloquy" type songs where we get to know a character's insides a little better. The final line especially, really seems to lend itself to being emphasized and drawn out for more emotion!