the Hard Way

by @nahlej381

Liner Notes

#shoegaze #postpunk #casiocore

sill hanging out in 1994-ish, sonically speaking. fuzz it up. little break up tune to match the instrumental. guitar, bass, sk-1 jam.


*idk if anyone would find this helpful but I just grabbed my entire note for this song so you can see a bit of my thought process. Top is mix notes in the margins as I was arranging the instrumental, after that is where I started with the lyrics and how the kinda shook out and changed up.*

Hook guitar solos? Weird panning maybe like the solos are the argument and the weird panning is their back and forth until both exit to left ear…

Asymmetrical nothing ever hits dead center

Break the glass

Help me
Fill in the gaps

It’s always
The hard way
In the case
Of your heart ache
If I’ve ever told you once
I’ve told you a hundred thousand million times

It’s not fate
We’re cliches
Just in case
Break the glass
and let us free

It’s always
The hard way
It’s not fate
We’re cliches

My mind strays
Your heart goes
Your eyes say
You mean “no more time to waste”

It’s always
The hard way
It’s not fate
We’re cliches


hell yeah!! YES!! this kicks ass! it’s soooo 90s in all the best ways. that guitar tone is massive! i love this so much
Love the whole feel of the piece: the chiming guitars, the drums, the oddball vocal. You really are channeling J Mascis with that vocal. I just came across the song Divine Mascis by the Breeders. Apparently, they ask him to add guitar to Divine Hammer, and he took off their lead vocal and added his own. Speaking of adding something--I appreciated your kind offer to add bass and whatever to The Dream Team of Misspent Youth. You could even sing it à la Mascis :)
Man, I LOVE listening to guitar rock and I NEVER do one myself. This had to be fun--and it ended up so great. Wonderful tones you're getting! ❤️
@toms i ran my “Melecaster” with tele neck pickup and p90 bridge into a behringer compressor, big muff, donner stylish fuzz, donner delay set really fast and quiet with a ton of feedback into my art DI to my tascam portastudio 414 to cassette to headphone out to interface.
Hell of a bunch of guitar tones. Really well constructed song - the drum breakss work really well. What was the recording chain for the guitars?
@billwhite51 admittedly I’m doing everything in my limited power to rip off j mascis of dinosaur jr on this one. Vocally guitar-ally. I have no shame.
cool nods to several 1993 styles. The guitar noise of shoegazers Ride combined with britpop melodic sensibilities of Blur .....and the vocals are purely original so the song rises above its influences and is simply modern.
Ha; "it's always the hard way" is the truth—I had a lot of other things on my mind back in '94 and pretty much all of them sucked. This is making me think I should have paid more attention to what was going on musically. That high guitar solo at 1:11 gave me the chills; shades of Michael Brook...
It's always.....[silence] .....the hard way. That short silence is so powerful man! I'm liking 1994 a lot. This evokes a lot of memories from that period.