The Winter King

by @danielkelly

Liner Notes

No chords here, as I play it on the Anglo-Saxon Lyre and have my own weird chord nomenclature.


In the deep frozen heart of the winter,
A man rises up from the ground
To take a last look at his lady,
Before losing his green ivy crown.

For back in the heat of the summer,
His beard it was golden and long,
But now it is white as the snow fall,
Forgotten the mirth and the song,

Carry him into the future,
Carry his soul with the flames,
Carry our hopes for the Spring time,
That summer may return again,

The leaves they have yellowed and fallen,
The light has gone out of the sky,
The chill of the wind bites our fingers,
It’s the way of the living to die.

But spring it awaits on the branches
And blossoms will follow the cold,
As we wait and we warm by the fire,
On the circle of seasons so old


I seem to have read a lot of books in which seasons were personified, especially winter. But nothing nearly as beautiful as this! I agree with the timeless feel.
I feel like this song has to have been used in rituals throughout ancient times, or perhaps It will for centuries to come. It feels timeless. The vocal harmonies are beautiful, and I love the lyre.
Very nicely done indeed: the lyrics, the arrangement and the vocals all very much contributing to the mood. Cracking harmonies, too!
Right now many of us have had a bit too much summer, but still a very effective song, with a folk-like quality.
Beautiful vocals! The fire effects make the song so real! Special storytelling here!