▷To The Moon And Back

by @distance

Challenge: Get Lost
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Liner Notes

#moonecho #electronic #oddtimesignature

this track heavily uses the Moonecho plugin mentioned in one of the forums. i discovered it on stream and it even got made into a video. perhaps the rest of the process will be made into a video... or not, i dunno im lazy enough it might never be done lmao.

i also got lyrics into this one. the urge to experiment with this plugin was probably the reason but i honestly dont remember or care cuz words are cool... although they took way too long to figure out for some reason.

the drop onwards is in 9/4, everything before that is in 11/4.
the moonecho plugin was used 8 times in this track.
video where moonecho plugin stuff https://youtu.be/laeJdLBJMH4?si=eVFBmjGF4Oz0YjX5
the lyrics at the end are a reference to something. lets see if anyone knows what its a reference to...


too the moon and back
take me back to the moon

ey, the moon, it seems a bit lost
staring into the void
ey, the zone, it seems it's been tossed
not easy to avoid

Can you still hear me?
are you still listening?
are you still breathing?
why wont you talk to me?

hey- wait a minute-

can you still see me?
staring into space...
mind flows so freely
there but not in place

lets take a trip to quasispace
in a sea of lime
the hyperspace of hyperspace
endless sea of time


The moon seeming lost is a fascinating image, and I dig all your spacy wisps and trickles of sound. This is a very cool track! I love that shift at "Hey, wait a minute."
Hainbach's plugin gives this a splendidly woozy character that matches the quirky vocals nicely. I've not heard too much chiptune stuff in odd time signatures, but oh wow, that works very nicely. The end result makes me think that if XTC hadn't disintegrated quite as spectacularly as they did, this is the sort of thing they'd be doing right now...