Thru The Door

by @candle

Liner Notes

#midsummeroracle #alt一rock #一sýƶýģý一 #doorway #spritual #progress #potentiality #jeskola #jeskola一buzz


@wylddandelyon posted the MidSummer Oracle Challenge & I try to do at least one of the Oracle challenges each FAWM & 50/90. I was given Card 33, Hidecki's Door from the Dragonfæ Oracle. You can see the description of the card under the lyrics below.

I hummed & hawed over this one for a while. Doorways have always been a powerful archetype for me. I started one song to do this challenge but my Muse was having none of it. This past week, I found myself at work writing these lyrics & knew right away that this was going to be the song to complete this Oracle challenge. And then this morning, I sat down & wrote the music & recorded this. Did a few takes, but went with this one. It's still rough, but oh well. I've FAWMed it, I guess you could say 😆

Thank you @wylddandelyon for the wonderful prompt & challenge. Blessed Be.

See You In The Shadows…

2000 Fender Deluxe Stratocaster
Peavey PVM-22 Dynamic Microphone
DigiTech Grunge Pedal
Behringer FCB1010 MIDI Foot Controller
Behringer UMC404HD Audio Interface
Candle's "Live" Jeskola Buzz Project
Plectrum: Black Jim Dunlop 1.35mm Tortex Sharp

This song is Licensed under Creative Commons CC0 (Public Domain). Do with it as you please.


Thru The Door

The gateway stands before me
It's the portal to my potentiality
But, my deep fears still restrain me
In this prison of my desires

If you knock, will the door open?
Will you walk along this path of wisdom?
In a flash your world is gone
Replaced by the dragon's song

All my life I've lived in shadows
With neutrality as my credo
Seeking the Truth I already know
In this prison of my desires

If you knock, will the door open?
Will you walk along this path of wisdom?
In a flash your world is gone
Replaced by the dragon's song

I must deviate
I must retaliate
I must overestimate
So I can disintegrate
I must prepare a state
That I can consomate
So I can reinstate
Or else I'll never move forward again

Move forward thru the door
Move forward thru the door
Move forward thru the door
I must move forward thru the door…



Hidecki speaks of new possibilities, chances taken, and wonders found. Change can be scary, of course. Who wouldn't hesitate, faced with a strange wooden door in the middle of nowhere, with a fierce dragon knocker made of some strange, reddish metal and guarded by a prickly, moth-like dragon? The door could hide anything! Will you follow your fear, and turn away? Will you knock and see who answers? Or will you simply take ahold of the ring and open the door yourself and step through? You know you want to step outside of your comfort zone and try something new. You can do it! Go for it!


Really nice hook in the guitar, the feeling in this builds as the lyrics get further toward the door.
Oooh the intro almost made me expect some indie/power-pop arrangements! I could hear the bass and the drums playing along, haha.
But this piece indeed also has a prog vibe, especially when the chord progression changes. Then the arrangements I hear are quite different.
Really catchy, very well done.
Very Led Zeppelin like. Waiting for crazy drums…
I'm swept away in the proggy energy of this, perfectly capturing a 70s moment. So restrained, with the kind of "old-time radio" sound of the guitar and quiet bass filling up the sound in the background, but with an insistent drive propelled by the soaring vocals that is absolute riveting. Really cool vibe, really cool track!