Moon Bounce

by @dragondreams

Liner Notes

#flute #nerdyplugin #experimental #onetake #moonecho
When @headfirstonly posts in the forums about a plug-in that emulates bouncing signals off the moon, and I'm sitting here as a fan of unusual reverbs... well it had to happen.
Info about the "Moon Bounce" plug-in can be found in this thread:


Gosh I sure love that reverb for sure.
I'm liking how the gentle flute is thrown around as it bounces back and forth.
Reminds me of the end of "Close Encounters..." where the humans are trying to communicate with the alien mothership.
Yeah, so nice.
This sounds fantastic. I can hear all sorts of weird, unexpected overtones wobbling around in the mix. Oh, it's finished! I could have listened to another ten minutes of this without any trouble. Beautiful!
So cool to hear the Moon Bounce in action. I DL'd it as well & am looking forward to playing around with it in the near future. This is lovely. Space flutes sending signals to the moon. Did you receive any replies? I almost hope you did.

See You In The Shadows…
Of course I had to stop in for nerdyplugin 😆
It is an interesting effect, and I think you wrote a nice passage to showcase it. I like gm7’s comparison of tuning a radio
of course it did. Great fluety tootles. it sounds so perfectly spacey - i feel like i should look up to see if i can see it in our night sky
Moon bounce excellent title . The music sounds like you are trying to tune and old school radio!
the flute is lovely and the effects make us wonder where this flute is being played,
What a strange effect. Truly an unusual reverb. But nice flute playing!
Great bouncing reverb. The melody us hauntingly beautiful and the arrangement is otherworldly.