kids get hi

by @nahlej381 · @djtjb


Liner Notes

#lofi #hiphop #sampling #fawmtronica #casiocore

guess i started this 4 months ago. found it today and polished it was very much poo poo when i discovered it sounds like kids getting high with a weirdo clown named nahlej. tsk tsk tsk.

the "Nahlej" sample is from DS9, i pitched it up to make capt. sisko sound like a kid. the other stuff is from a pro keds sneaker commercial from back in the day. i just chopped and rearranged the dialogue. all the "hey"s were me sampled through my casio sk-1 saying...well.."hey"

i also played all of the bongs myself. and YOU thought i'd let kids get high over here....i can't believe you'd think that low of me. :(

i'm over soundcloud...moving to bandcamp for now, i think. if anyone has other recommendations, i'm all ears.
no KIDS were high during the making of this song.


hey, kids, why do you get high?

and some other stuff...idk.


Ha! This was great. Very nicely put together. Really do like the underlying music, too! ❤️
so cool i used to love the avalances and this has a bit of their crazyness in here. Cant go wrong with this! very cool
Haha - had a chuckle at your liner notes. Casio core! Very now with a 90’s vibe mixed in. Chill laid back soundscape that makes you nod your head along to the groove.
It is a smorgasbord of sound, that's what it is 😎
Great coughing samples.
This is pretty chill; nice to relax to if you were, well, high.
Lol with the vocal samples.
The break about halfway through is really great.
I'm liking the bouncy bass line.
Great ending.
Yeah, so good.
im getting the vibes of those creepy kids show i used to watch before going to school. as we got older, we got high before school instead of watching tv. i love the way you combine the two eras here. the ending is supersonic.
GREAT those keys and drums. This is dope😜. So guys are higher, faster & stronger than many.
Hi! Pretty clever arrangement. A dash of humor and some other ingredients of sorts. I'm diggin' what I've heard. Keep the party movin'.
I feel a little bit spaced out just having listened to this one! Mesmerising stuff chaps. The - ummm - high register keys against the subby bass sounds really awesome. And the confident way in which you’re handling all those samples is majestic. Kids hey…..