Stop Being Gay in the Supermarket

by @troubadette

Liner Notes

Oh hey, I finally managed to log in! Better late than never, I suppose.

Based on a true story!



I’m at my local just to pick up my essential groceries
When I see a lady so hot it almost brings me to my knees
Try to avert my eyes so she won’t see me looking more than twice
But then she smiles at me and I drop a three kilo bag of rice

It doesn’t matter how hot I find her
I better give myself a stern reminder

Stop being gay in the supermarket
Stop being gay in the tinned fish aisle
Don’t get distracted by the pretty lady
Her low cut top and crooked smile
does beguile
Stop being gay in the supermarket
Just get a hold of yourself
Stop staring and don’t be a creep
It’s bad enough that you’ll lose sleep tonight
Dreaming ‘bout pressing her up hard against the cup of soup shelf

I am a very busy person and I’ve got so much to do
And so I’m gonna do my very best to try to muddle through
There are so many more important things to occupy my brain
But now she’s fondling the cantaloupes, it’s driving me insane

It doesn’t matter how hot I find her
I better give myself a stern reminder

Stop being gay in the supermarket
Stop being gay when you’re buying chips
Don’t get distracted by the pretty lady
Her big brown eyes, her curvy hips
And those lips
Stop being gay in the supermarket
Just get a hold of yourself
Stop staring and don’t be a creep
It’s bad enough that you’ll lose sleep tonight
Dreaming ‘bout sloppy makeouts up against the baking needs shelf

Oooh I know it would be over before it began
Oooh because I won’t talk to her
And chances are I’ll never see this woman again

Stop being gay in the supermarket
Stop being gay and acting like a fool
Don’t get distracted by the pretty lady
Can you at least try to play it cool - ooh-oooh-ooh
Stop being gay in the supermarket
Just get a hold of yourself
Stop staring and don’t be a creep
It’s bad enough that you’ll lose sleep tonight
Dreaming about holding her hand walking past the cat litter shelf


I saw the title and just had to listen. Loving these lyrics, and the funky backing makes it even more fun! Solid stuff!
Pffff I laughed really hard at parts of this, despite it being technically and vocally very impressive. Something about the legit pop delivery made this even funnier. Great song concept and execution. So catchy. 😀
OOH great intro - love the guitars! My toes are tapping. Your vocals are a WOW! The pre-chorus is a great transition to the chorus - which is awesome. Nice lyric changes in the chorus. This song is a real treat to listen to - what fun!