Live by the Sword

by @orinthebard

Challenge: Idiom
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Liner Notes

Thank you to @wylddandelyon for this card pull and beautiful interpretation:

“For you I drew the Ten of Swords. Looking at this, I can hear an elder's voice, sad, disappointed, and full of love. "So, you wanted to be a pirate? Live by the sword, adventure on the open seas, take what you want and live by your wits? So, how's that working for you? Ah, yeah, I can see how well that's working for you. At least you're still with us, you get to live to see a new day. But what will you do with it? Are you going to go back to that ship, keep on being a pincushion until the buffoons don't miss your vital organs? Or are you willing to face the new day with a new dream on your lips and giving a gleam to your eyes? See that, over there? That's the glow in the sky before the sun rises. It'll be hell to heal from those injuries either way, of course, but you don't have to go back, you can go forward to a new life. But it's up to you. Ah, well, I've said my piece, now let's get you patched up.”

#banjo #fuc #midsummeroracle


Oh my dear, what have we here
A half-dead pirate washed up by my pier
Let me patch your wounds, feed you soup from my inn
Just tell me why I am sewing up the same silly boy again

You live by the sword, you die by the sword
Your mind is a sword, it flies like a sword
And everything looks like a nail when you have a hammer
You end each attack on a beach all alone
With a sword in your back, all the way to the bone
And yet you keep boarding the ship and rushing to danger

But oh I love to see the waves cut by the bow
I was raised tipping from the stern to the prow
My mind has never known stillness
My heart has never known peace
So I might as well fight all my life for whatever no one wants to give me

You live by the sword, you die by the sword
Your mind is a sword, it flies like a sword
And everything looks like a nail when you have a hammer
You end each attack on a beach all alone
With a sword in your back, all the way to the bone
And yet you keep boarding the ship and rushing to danger

But I know naught of how a normal life is lived
People take– they never give
My mind has never known stillness
My heart has never known peace
So I might as well match blade for blade until one of them finally ends me

Well, young swain, it's a new day
You decide to live your way

You live by the sword, you die by the sword
Your mind is a sword, it flies like a sword
And everything looks like a nail when you have a hammer
You end each attack on a beach all alone
With a sword in your back, all the way to the bone
And one day I'll leave you to rot like beached gutted flounder

I didn't ask to be mended again
Let me die if that's God's plan


As my avatar name on other sites is "Barbablanca" (Whitebeard) and my Facebook Profile picture is me and friends dressed as pirates for a Pirate Festival in Wales, I knew I was going to enjoy this and I did.
I love the direction this tarot card took you! I particularly like the chorus, with the elder chastising the pirate for living by the sword, followed by the pirate trying to explain why he lives as he does. The ending is really powerful!
Love the switching of the point of view on this one. The sea imagery was also excellent, I especially liked the "tipping from the stern to the prow", but all the sprinkles throughout where good. The last two lines from the pirate is a great ending.