O Love that rules the skies

by @miga

O Love that rules the skies

Liner Notes

#firstfruits #hymn

This song feels rough to me, but good enough. The challenge was given by the Bible Project to write a version of the #lordsprayer to post online. Lyrically this won't look at all like the Lord's Prayer (from the book of Matthew, to be specific) but I was inspired to write it in a way that didn't include the familiar phrases inured to many of us by time and repetition. I hear it being sung by a congregation, which is not surprising, given its very hymn-like structure.

To give proper credit, the 3/4 timing idea came from an older, similar song by Jennifer Knapp and the lyrical idea of love as a native tongue directly from a Switchfoot song. *Edit - Add Tim Mackie's sermon on the Lord's Prayer to the list of sources (find it on Youtube, August 2017).

I remain a Jesus follower, mostly because God doesn't let me go. I don't particularly want to write worship songs, but they're still a worthwhile investment of time.
This one will likely benefit me more than anyone else. I'd better get on to the next song before it drives me crazy 🤪


O Love that rules the skies

Father, Parent, gracious Friend
the mystery of your Name -
may it be known through all the world
your truth, your goodwill, the same

O Love that rules the skies come down
take root upon the earth
‘til love becomes our native tongue
until we know the Word

all that we have is given
there’s nothing here that we own
give us again what we’ll need today:
we’re children in your home

help us to do the softening work
the forgiving of all these wounds
for you forgave us all our sins
we want to be like you

O Love that rules the skies come down
and settle on the earth
‘til love becomes our native tongue
until we speak the Word

if there’s a way to do it
spare us the heartbreaking test
but if the way out is through it
save us from evil, bring us to rest

O Love that rules the skies come down
and settle on the earth
until like Jesus, living Word,
we are your grace and truth
until like Jesus, living Word,
we are your grace and truth


Oh, this is beautiful. I love your soaring singing and your thoughtful choice of words. It's so clear that you bring your whole self, and give your self to embracing grace. I'm so glad I got to hear you. You make me think of the hymns that make me cry when I sing them.
Thought for sure I had listened/commented on this. At any rate, lovely music and a thoughtful, worshipful lyric which develops well from the premise. Good stuff, my friend!
The comments would suggest others are getting the benefit too! 🙂 Glorious delivery, beautiful cadences and phrasing. 👏
Just had to listen again. Your harmonies are sublime. You have such a talent!
The vocal creates the melody so well on this and the brightness brings its message home! real feeling!
Wow you really achieved what you set out to do. I'm glad I went to the linear notes after listening to this. Your vocals are great and the music fits beautifully.
This is a wonderful first fruits song. I'm really impressed with the creative way you approached this and certainly it is uplifting. I also found a great deal of inspiration within your liner notes, too. This is a gem of a find this morning before I'm off to work. I'll keep these words in mind.
stunning vocal, straight away I was hooked and captivated, feel like it was perfect to hear this first thing in the morning. great stuff.
Just gorgeous. I find that I connect with my spirituality most often through music and I love that you’ve done the same. I also love Switchfoot so love the line about love being a native tongue.
Mesmerizingly beautiful! Yes, I can hear this sung by a congregation. (Nice Bridge, too.)