Getting On My Nerves

by @hmstreetteam

Challenge: Idiom

Liner Notes

How is it possible to write an entire song before getting out of bed in the morning? Don’t answer that, but here’s one, a twisted love song built around rhymes for the expression “getting on my nerves.”


The science of attraction
They all say is based on fear
It reaches deep into your memories
All the things you see and hear
A car screaming toward a barrier
You watch frozen till it swerves
But it could not be love
Unless you’re getting on my nerves

Opposites attract
So they can have an argument
Neither one admitting
Time is frivolously spent
The things one person throws away
The other one conserves
But it could not be love
Unless you’re getting on my nerves

You might be an original
And I an imitator
But that’s like calling one a crocodile
And one an alligator
Either one’s a predator
That views you as hors d’oeuvres
But it could not be love
Unless you’re getting on my nerves

I am trained in statistics
So don’t think that I don’t see
How many times you pop up
Like a leaf falling from a tree
I know you wait there patiently
Till I come around the curves
But it could not be love
Unless you’re getting on my nerves

In the end I must concede
There will be ample time for this
Of all the things about you
This is the one that I won’t miss
And I wonder why we’re built this way
What grand design it serves
But it could not be love
Unless you’re getting on my nerves


"The science of attraction
They all say is based on fear" interesting opening line which makes me look different towards my crushes. Great song!
"But it could not be love
Unless you’re getting on my nerves"
Such a wonderful concept to build a song around - well done.
What a deliciously cynical love song this is. The rhyming here is off the charts all the way through, but "imitator / alligator" is outstanding. Sod romance, this is what reality looks like!