Voyage 3: Equator (Neptune and his entourage)

by @timfatchen Mod

Liner Notes

#piano #classical #cruiseship #pagan

A distant fanfare of conch shells broadens, deepens , resounds as King Neptune emerges from the waves, crowned with pearl and seaweed, towed by a hundred enthusiastic dolphins, accompanied by his mistress and a horde of elegant mermaids, waving his trident and his saw-toothed sword, to judge those newly come to his Equator. His chariot itself is a giant clam, with nautilus-egg-case wheels, and his driving team is not of the indolent brown bottlenoses of near-shore bays and harbours, but the smaller, blue-and-white "common" dolphin, only seen well out to sea, bouncy and enthusiastic.

Well, that's how it was supposed to be. Alternatively, our photos of the GPS screen showed first Lat. 00° 00.01' N, then 00° 00.02' S. And as 00.01' of latitude is about 600 feet, and the ship is about 1200ft long, and we're headed almost due S, then between those signals the menagerie lion must have ceased running round the world, climbed on the bow and prowled through the ship to the stern. But we neither saw nor heard. Nor was there a thick black line painted on the ocean, as far as the eye could see.

Counting on both hands and feet--(see any AI portrait!)--we've crossed the equator 26 or possibly 28 times, but only this once on water. It seems more real than in an aircraft....

This track is my sixth attempt to get the basic piece somewhere in the same hemisphere as my desire. To do better, I'll have to sit editing with pencil and paper and then learn the wretched thing. Not now!

Music Copyright © 2024 TJ Fatchen All Rights Reserved APRA-AMCOS
Piano sample courtesy Garritan Personal Orchestra
isrc: auney2400406


Great stuff. I will return sometime later to enjoy the rest of the voyage!
I’m late to the party - this was such a welcoming way to dive back into the music-making waters. I’m so glad you’re here and finding space to do what you do so beautifully. I like the combination of soothing rocking with a triumphant building up of strength. I felt heroic while opening a stack of mail and listening.
I love those rolling waves in the piano movement. Feels like one thing on the surface and another in the deeps. Very nice, full and majestic, composition.
I really love to listen to tose wonderful pieces of music you create!
This again keeps the idea of the sea and the dolphins perfectly!