Las Vegas

by @florian

Skirmish: Let's Go To Vegas! (@tarahenton)

Liner Notes

#aivocals #triphop #ambient

For the randomized "Let's Go to Vegas" skirmish. I got genre hip-hop, must use AABA song structure, and can't use the word night, or anything that rhymes with it.

This is my first excursion into hip hop. I have absolutely no clue about this genre. I googled and it says this ambient jazzy style is called trip hop? Is it even hip hop if there's no rapping? 🤷🏼‍♂️

You're hearing the AI vocalist Saros, with virtual instruments and samples from Native Instruments.


City of dreams
With a sky full of diamonds
And the streets full of laughter
Sparkeling lights
When we walk down the Strip
And my mind starts to falter

City of games
Where facades are all fake
And the smiles are illusions
Shattering lies
When the system is skewed
And the contest delusion

Hey, would you like
To leave this behind?
Hey, would you like
To leave this behind?

City of fools
Where the sky has no stars
And the streets know no laughter
Weakening lights
When we walk down the Strip
And my mind starts to falter


Hey Florian! hoping you have a great 50/90! Are you doing any collaborating this season? I have some galactic prog rock lyrics... tough to nail down, but thought of you... It's call All Stars Are Suns... LMK, KC
Love it all! great composition and production. So emotive! Great write!
I love the lyrics - they capture the way I feel about Las Vegas! Great arrangement, too - love the shimmery groove. Very nicely done.
This is very good. Makes me wants to visit Las Vegas. You have a beautiful voice and the trumpet is delicious!
I'm no expert on either the hip-hop or trip-hop genre, but I reckon you've captured the trip-hop feel, particularly with the percussion and that languid trumpet. Too short—I was really getting in to the mood and suddenly it was over!
A great sounding song, Florian. As others have pointed out, the trumpet part really raises the bar on the song. An amazing accomplishment for a one-hour skirmish.
OMG this is GREAT. I know nothing about this genre either but this song is fire. I love the ambience, wow. I am so amazed at this - I barely manage a crappy one-take phone recording most of the time hahah. The soaring brass going into the chorus, which punches it up even more...wooo. I have no idea how one goes about using an AI voice but damn. Great write. I listened twice. 😀
The lyrics paint a picture of a place. Then the music supports the nighttime vibe and a sort of directionless feeling. Very listenable, very much a mood.
Wow! Your foray into hip hop is fabulous! I love the night life (can I say night in the comments?) you create with those wonderful images! The brass is fantastic as are the various sounds and rhythm. Love it!
Oh wow, this is lush. That soulful trumpet cuts through the soundscape like a knife. Some seriously polished trip hop.
Love the opening build - you've got hip hop drums and bass with some jazzy horns. And those vocals - AI? Wow! Fab delivery of the lyrics. "City of fools" - stood out for me. And the way the song ends at "falter." Well done!