Kiire Mihinkään

by @lamerabbit


Liner Notes

Started by walking to store to get some milk for morning coffee and decided while walking that I will do IV-V-vi chord progression with try for counter point or something like that so that the guitar plays those chords going up and bassline emphasizes notes from those chords but coming down. No idea it would work (nor decided if it did...). Figured the chords and bass line emphasis notes while walking and made a note to my phone.

After I made the breakfast for family I used about an hour searching for some new free drums (VST, whatever that means...). Used Stevel Slate "SSD5.5 FREE" and it took me a while to get things installed and operational. Then quite quickly made drums in a way that I felt was at least a bit original and decided to "see if this goes stoner or what by setting the tempo to 95".

Then started the bass line creation from those emphasis notes (my terminology probably makes no sense) and added notes from the chords the guitar plays so that I "played the changes" if that makes sense to someone. Like what you'd do playing a guitar solo if you are advanced enough to not just do minor pentatonic in the key of song. But this was bass line so again maybe my words have no meaning on you.

I played the bass line for like 15 minutes or more.... I just enjoyed it and wanted to give myself a little training session to improve, not really to make a better recording. But that probably helped a bit also.

Now I spent so much time and had nothing but drums and bass line for verse! What to do? Just decided that I use a Floyd-Rose equipped guitar (just arbitrarily, there was no real idea of using the whammy bar) and since I had played it last time in Winter I spent next few minutes tuning it and of course the fine-tuners' range was not enough so had to open the upper saddle locks too. Well, this is all very interesting and you'd read so much more about it but we are running our of characters...

Vox again the first try ever



(I faked it and lyrics were written already in June... i had to improvise them a bit while recording but it is close to what lies below)

My wife said "this could work as an instrumental" which I believe is a comment on my vocals in general a she commented before I had started to record them 😂

Kitara: C D Em (rising)
Basso: E D G (falling)

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I like the bass line. And what about the guitar, it goes well in.
This reminds me of Kauko Röyhkä, but this is even better.
The quality of playing, singing, sounds and mixing is just great!
Drum sounds, good find, next level!