Voyage 9: Inside Raiatea Reef

by @timfatchen Mod

Liner Notes

#piano #cinematic #classical #instrumental #solo

It's early morning, woken by the light and a change in feel of the ship, look out and see the ship turning, in the far anchorage inside the barrier reef of Raiatea, the holiest of the Polynesian Islands...where the wind is rising. And the sky is murky. And there's a tropical cyclone spinning up not so far north and the ship's been skirting the southern edge of the system. And the holding in the anchorage is not adequate in a wind* for a 15-story slab sided flat bottomed floating condominium, no matter where the dodgem cars are parked. So the ship turns, and retraces its path through the increasingly choppy waters, finally to the channel exit from the lagoon. And proceeds on its way south of west. No shore visits today. or tomorrow. Or tomorrow (that was you, Vanuatu). Or...

This hasn't turned out quite right, needs more work or another try totally, but not now.

Music Copyright © 2024 TJ Fatchen All Rights Reserved APRA-AMCOS
isrc: AUNEY2400403

Steinway patch courtesy Garritan Personal Orchestra

*sez my brother the retired P&O Commodore.




Not turned out quite right? I changes me mind in retrospect...
I love and miss the sea, thank you for making me dream of it, listening with closed eyes. Very beautiful.
its good reading you liners and listening , you can really feel it all! does have a beginning feel to me! Nice piece again Tim
Some music is cinematic. This music is cinema. I lean back, close my eyes and Im on that cruise ship facing the worst fears of an ocean voyager. The storm. The steady bass assures me that the ship can weather the storm, but the varying degrees of calm and upset in the music creates the anxiety that the wind is stronger than the ship. In the end, all is calm, I no longer need the bass lines for reassurance of my safety, and we all relax, believeing ourselves to be out of harm's way. This is an all-absorbing cinema, not simply an accompaniment to images.
I like the way the ending came in with a very simple note progression after all those rolls and swells. You’ve managed to capture a nautical sound without it sounding at all old-fashioned. I especially like the sort of lift into a marching vibe just before five minutes.
You managed to express very different moods in this piece! It's a shame you're not happy - I really enjoyed listening and wish it was longer!
Never been the cruising type, but the engineering involved in modern iterations of the things boggles my mind. Listening to this, I can visualise something the size of a small town as it slowly makes its stately way through choppy waters. And the way you suddenly drop into a sea shanty at 3:40 or so made me laugh. Keep that cyclone at a distance, Tim!
Enjoyed reading your liner notes with the song. Could have been reading 2-4x more. Just a silly idea but reading something like that with the music - with some pauses on yhe reading - could work wonders. Probably not at all what you have in mind though. The music is beautiful and I enjoyed the whole piece as it is.