The Solace Of Insanity

by @dragondreams

Liner Notes

#instrumental #experimental #electricguitar #piano

Music and image by DD.


Nice atmosphere you have built. Would fit nicely into an opening scene of a movie. I imagine someone traveling on a train on a cold foggy winters morning while this plays to the silent scene while heading towards their destination.
Umm....maybe it's my laptop, but I'm not able to play this tune. I'd like to. I really would. So uh, yeah. What do I do?
Would be great Music for film. Bravo!
I'm loving that icy guitar right off the bat.
A bit Frippish.
That piano is a perfect compliment.
I'm liking how you're building this thing bit by bit.
The guitar in the second half is so awesome.
Yeah, this is definitely a winner for sure.
This is different (good different). Some really complex stuff going on here and some different choices of notes to add tension, the notes don't necessarily go where you expect, sounds quite 'Spanish' at times, I think you might be channeling your inner Tim Henson here.....
I love how the instruments weave together to create a tapestry of sound. This is haunting, evocative, and emotional. Really stunning.
Strong Fripp/Eno vibes, although there's more melodic complexity in evidence here (by several orders of magnitude). This one's gorgeous, Paul. I could easily listen to a whole album of this sort of thing.
Very nice ambient song. Might have to try this genre sometime--you have it mastered!
when the art film directors tire of using philip glass, they should employ you as their composer. this plays like the theme from an alternate universe soundtrack to Koyaanisqatsi