Great going home for Christmas

by @helenseviltwin Mod

Liner Notes

#unseasonal #christmas song because you can't wait until December to write them. This is not my experience; just an amalgamation of stories.


Half the trains were cancelled and the ones that were running
Were running an hour late
Crammed in like sardines, with no chance of a seat
Sitting on my luggage is the best I’ll get

My bag is full of presents that I don’t think
My family will appreciate
But it’s the thought that counts even if that thought
Was ever so last minute

It’s great going home for Christmas
It’s great going home for Christmas
I keep telling myself

My folks still send round a round robin
With all the family news
My sister got a promotion, my brother’s getting married
And I’m still playing my tunes

The house is full of decorations, that we made as kids
That come out every year
It’s like to no time has passed and we’re still just children
Every time we’re here

Baby Jesus had a manger in a stable
Where the animals were at least respectful of his personal space
While I’m stuck here on a campbed in the kitchen
Getting woken by the cat that keeps stepping on my face


Oh, yes. I remember this train, though I think it was Thanksgiving - sitting in the aisle of the train. Like those close almost satanic harmonies on the chorus....Punk is a very good choice for a song about going home to the family.
Now this is my kid of christmas tune.
Great energy and spunk. It's the bridge that really cracks me up. 😂 I feel the Christmas cheer for sure!