Favourite Person

by @strumandstress

Liner Notes

Almost the same song played through twice.


She thinks she is the centre of the total universe
And if you dare resent her She’ll make your life much worse
She claims her pain’s a barrier to sorting out her mess
But we know she’s a carrier of all our mental stress

A more unpleasant human being has never been created
She takes her pleasure when she’s seeing those she’s manipulated
She’ll play the victim when she can She’s really so pathetic
The vicious enemy of man tries to be sympathetic

She is her own worst enemy they say but that’s not right
You wouldn’t have her round for tea she’s bound to spoil your night
You cannot ever put her down she takes no criticism
She is the one who takes the crown for rampant narcissism

He thinks he is the centre of the total universe
The best fake news presenter he’ll make your life much worse
he claims his pain’s a barrier to sorting out his mess
But we know he’s a carrier of all our mental stress

A more unpleasant human being has never been created
he takes his pleasure when he’s seeing those he’s manipulated
The vicious enemy of man tries to be sympathetic

he is his own worst enemy they say but that’s not right
You wouldn’t have him round for tea he’s bound to spoil your night
You cannot ever put him down he takes no criticism
he is the one who takes the crown for rampant narcissism


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