
by @esc4p3

Liner Notes

This was one of those songs that took longer than planned.....

It started out on the Fantom as just a piano melody, the one that the song starts with. I then layered various instruments on top, then spent ages mixing, EQ-ing and panning them, then recorded the audio over to Reaper and then further went into mixing and adding some drums and Raum.

I went from a simple one-take of 7 audio tracks, well 8...because I re-recorded one of them, to something that was no longer a "piano jam", but something a bit more complicated. But go with it, the muse knows what it is doing.

Oh "Familiarity", when I started out recording this song on the Fantom, it felt 'familiar'. I have started out a lot of songs this way this 50/90. I think that the familiar feeling is now feeling like it is now "my way of making and recording music", which I'm rather fond of. (Previously when I had my Roland Juno Gi, this was pretty much exclusively used as a midi controller, I didn't use the sounds to record, only for practising).

Used to make this track:
Reaper DAW
Fantom Concert Grand (with Native Instruments Raum effect)
Fantom String section with delay
Fantom Large Choir Ahhs
Fantom Mazurka 1849 piano
Fantom Tine Mk1 Trem electric piano
Fantom 'Juno strings' (yeah a bit odd, using old Juno sounds on a modern synth)
Fantom 'Suite Combo' (which is the bell sound)
Damage Studio Drum Kit

#chill #piano


Hooray for finding your way! That's a significant milestone in your musical development, and worth celebrating. This is nicely celebratory, too. "Raum" has such a gorgeous effect on a good piano like this. I thought that was what I was hearing even before I read the liner notes. And how nicely it pairs with those high strings...
That is such a beautiful melody! Every instrument stands well on its own, and when you put them together they fit perfectly. This is just an absolutely gorgeous composition!
Enjoying the calm progression, long strings, bell tones. Drums fit well in the mix. Around 2:17 I was looking for variation, then you started dropping instruments.