Tomorrow Will Be Worse

by @strumandstress

Liner Notes



You might not have enjoyed today It might have been a bore
I know it’s tempting just to say You can’t take any more
Don’t think tomorrow will be good Cause I think the reverse
I know that it is understood Tomorrow will be worse

O please don’t have a sleepless night on what tomorrow brings
The future’s really not that bright Though hope eternal springs
Although today’s been full of stress You feel under a curse
Don’t see an end to this whole mess Tomorrow will be worse

I know you think today was bad But turn the other cheek
You will continue looking sad Tomorrow will be bleak
Things won’t improve till we are dead and riding on that hearse
Today’s been bad but then I said Tomorrow will be worse


Ha..funny take on being a worry wart!
A happy ukulele song with a classic sounding melody - about pessimism. Well done, lots of humor. Very easy to sing along to :)