Just sitting with the guintar(sic)

by @matthewsanford

Just sitting with the guintar(sic)

Liner Notes

#classical #improvisation #needscollab or is it #instrumental ? #acoustic

Made a working-not-complete Electric Druid DigiDelay! That isn’t what you hear here (Hear! Here!). I felt the need for a break before adding my CCFX part, so I sat on bed, grabbed my first guitar (Yamaha G-231II classical), put my fingers on strings to ponder-veg and here is the result - recorded after not during ponder session which is too bad, my head had already shifted


Hey, if you want to add some, go for it! You can do this! I believe in you!!!


Thanks you two!
@florian , that could work, just... I wasn't in a lyric place with it, more a passive thing to gather the thoughts and ponder, you know... but if you've got something in mind then have at it!
i think its complete as a beautiful piece of music -lovely listen
In my ears, this asks for some smooth male vocals. Something to sit by the lakeside and let a beautiful evening mood drift over you.