Let Them Go

by @rocketgrrrl

Let Them Go

Liner Notes

#folk #girlwithpiano #soft #flute

My advice on how to raise #children.

This one was written to the #songsidekicksongcircle prompt "write a song that explains how to do something." I haven't made it to the circle yet, but I really appreciate the prompts.


Let Them Go
Jemma Kline

I could tell you of the moment when you hear them take a breath.
I could sing about the feeling when they lay upon your breast.
I could warn you of the messes, how they may not sleep at night,
But you’ll never be quite ready for goodbye.

Just let them go,
Once they have grown,
For there’s a million things they’ll learn out on their own.
Just let them go,
Like seeds are blown,
And though it’s harder than the hardest thing you’ve known,
Just let them go.

You will help them with their homework, teach them how to ride a bike,
When they find that they’re in trouble, you will be there at their side.
You will hold them as they tell you of the one who broke their heart,
But you’ll need someone to hold when they depart.

Just let them go,
Once they have grown,
For there’s a million things they’ll learn out on their own.
Just let them go,
Like seeds are blown,
And though it’s harder than the hardest thing you’ve known,
Just let them go.

(Flute bridge)

Just let them go,
Once they have grown,
For there’s a million things they’ll learn out on their own.
Just let them go,
Like seeds are blown,
And though it’s harder than the hardest thing you’ve known,
Just let them go.


Good advice delivered in a song. There's a university in our city, but both my kids went away for their higher education. While it was tough delivering them to a distant city, they learned a lot about life and independence by being on their own. They're better adults today because they left the nest. Based on our experience, I fully agree with your theme about letting them go.