Deliberate Miss Steps

by @candle

Challenge: Get Lost

Liner Notes

#一eӿꝓƺᶉḭꬱἦꞓƺ一 #mystic一rock #一sýƶýģý一 #improvisation #improv #one一take #live一to一tape #no一overdubs一in一post #hgfortune #jeskola #jeskola一buzz #tag一resistance


WARNING: This song clocks in just over the fifteen minute mark. Please allow ample time for the full 一Ꜫӿꝓƺᶉḭꬱἦꞓƺ一

It's hot. ßļффԂɏ hot. 42°C with the Humidex. So I'm just trying to stay cool…

And this one felt good. Brought back HG Fortune's wonderful Astral Dreamer VSTi (it's been a long time since I used it). I even discovered a way to give it a note cut (which was always an issue in the past), so that's a bonus! Otherwise this is just my Strat building loops & more loops (including some pitch-shifted "Bass" c/o FSM's amazing TunaMan Buzz Machine). Yeah, this came together nicely. But my favourite thing about the whole piece is the last chord progression (in what one could term "Part III"). Gonna be using that one somewhere else, I'm sure 😆

Stay cool everyone!

See You In The Shadows…

2000 Fender Deluxe Stratocaster
DigiTech Grunge Pedal
Behringer FCB1010 MIDI Foot Controller
Behringer UMC404HD Audio Interface
Candle's "Live" Jeskola Buzz Project
Plectrum: Purple Jim Dunlop 0.96mm Croc

This song is released under the Creative Commons CC0 License (Public Domain). Do with it as you will.


Deliberate Miss Steps

She always seemed to be alone, even though most people wanted to be by her side at all times. Being polite, she calmly tolerated the adulations of Autrui when she was forced to. However, she would always find some means to slip away from the throngs that followed her in order to find the peace & solitude her soul Truly needed. This ability to silently fade from the crowd when opportunity availed itself of her had saved her from the social onslaught of the followers & fiends that were Autrui. She called this ability: her Deliberate Miss Steps…

In the quiet solitude she needed, she could be herself, for herself. And the dreams she drempt during those sojourns away from the mundane, flashy desires of her admirers pointed to the path she continued to follow in order to raise herself up beyond the bounds of time.


Great delay and space in here as the delays work their magic, has a sense of wandering in here and looking for something elusive.
I love the sort of vaporwave feeling in the beginning and that drone! Really neat tones here, I especially enjoyed the bass. I find myself getting lost in the loops.... they're beautiful. You do such a fantastic job building up moods. I really like the story you came up with! Very interesting world building even in just a small excerpt. That riff starting around 9:50 is exhilarating! And I agree about "Part 3" it's a wonderful progression. It soars! Really beautiful work! Hope you're staying cool ☀️