No More Waiting

by @rocketgrrrl

No More Waiting

Liner Notes

#folk #mandolin #political #flute

I wrote this for the #songsidekicksongcircle prompt of saying "no" to someone.
Halfway through 50/90, but oh so near the end of our waiting!


No More Waiting
Jemma Kline

A quarter of a thousand years ago,
Some rich entitled men whom we all know
Tried to make this land a space
Where a woman knows her place,
And they’re trying one more time to run the show.

No more waiting,
No more waiting,
No more waiting,
No more waiting.
Don’t you shush me with a sigh,
I’ll no longer step aside.
No more waiting,
No more waiting,
Not this time.

They still hope we’ll stay at home and mend their socks,
Keep on playing second fiddle to the boss.
But we’re taking back our rights,
Can’t afford to lose this fight,
Or they’ll put us all right back into that box.

No more waiting,
No more waiting,
No more waiting,
No more waiting.
Don’t you shush me with a sigh,
I’ll no longer step aside.
No more waiting,
No more waiting,
Not this time.

(flute bridge)

No more waiting,
No more waiting,
No more waiting,
No more waiting.
Don’t you shush me with a sigh,
I’ll no longer step aside.
No more waiting,
No more waiting,
Not this time.

We’ve been voting for a hundred years and change,
But the bastards never let us stake our claim.
So I’m telling you right now,
Pull the lever, you know how.
Or theirs no one but yourself that you can blame.

No more waiting,
No more waiting,
No more waiting,
No more waiting.
Don’t you shush me with a sigh,
I’ll no longer step aside.
No more waiting,
No more waiting,
Not this time.


Very true. If the cheeto returns to office, many human rights will be taken away from women, people of colour and before long anyone else not a straight white Christian male. Americans who believe in human rights must vote this time! And why do polls show so many Americans believe the “men are head of the household” crap? Not many Canadians do.
a powerful song -" We’ve been voting for a hundred years and change,
But the bastards never let us stake our claim.
So I’m telling you right now,
Pull the lever, you know how.
Or theirs no one but yourself that you can blame."
I thought for a sec it might be the lever to a guillotine :)
good song with a poignant message