Who Are You?

by @rocketgrrrl

Who Are You?

Liner Notes

#folk #girlwithukulele #queer

Sometimes the most mysterious strangers are the ones we carry inside.


Who are you?
Jemma Kline

I look out my window and see her standing there:
The woman with the ribbons in her hair.
She stands in the sunlight; her arms are open wide.
Her face is turning upwards to the sky.

Who are you,
Standing near?
I wonder why you always reappear?
Who are you,
Standing near?
Will the truth behind this vision soon be clear?

She waits at my shoulder, within the silver glass,
And fastens up my necklace with a clasp.
She smiles as she sees me, but her eyes are turned aside;
I wonder at the secrets she must hide.

Who are you,
Standing near?
I wonder why you always reappear?
Who are you,
Standing near?
Will the truth behind this vision soon be clear?

Everywhere that I go,
Does she see me? Does she know?
Everywhere in my mind,
Does she wait there? Deep inside?

Who are you,
Standing near?
I wonder why you always reappear?
Who are you,
Standing near?
Is the reason for this vision what I fear?


Great sense of mystery in this one. The line about the necklace hints this is a real person, rather than a hallucination as in my song: "The Controller". That adds to the mystery and gives int a Sci Fi feel.
Ah, the inner self we may hide even from ourselves! The necklace line
is perfect.
That is very ghostly, and it isn't even Halloween yet! Intriguing and spooky.
nice one- appropriately mysterious! feels like you got more comfortable with that melody and phrasing in the second half, too... excellent work!
Haunting. And thought-provoking. I read through the lyrics before hitting play, and the performance really added another dimension to your words.