Dance of the Daring

by @esc4p3

Challenge: Tempo Change

Liner Notes

Picture the scene, it is the 1800's and there are a room full of people and a Chamber Orchestra at some kind of masquerade ball, the music starts and the dancing starts....then part way through, the tempo changes, the dancers aren't happy!

Not sure where that imagery came from in my head but it seemed to fit the piece of music that was coming out, and bonus for the tempo change, I hadn't planned that.

Used to make this track:
Reaper DAW
Soundpaint Terz Guitar
NI String Ensemble Cello & Violin, Action Strings
Project SAM Free Orchestra 2 Bass, Accenting Winds & Harp

#orchestral #tempochallenge #dancing


lol powdered wigs and blushy grimaces scowling with ivory teeth because the chamber group had to get experimental and change the vibe.

Very beautiful I love that guitar and flute patch. BE YOU TEA FULL
Ah yes, I just hate it when that happens. My ballroom gown was not made for such indelicate changes of tempo. :) Fun fun. I like the sound. Really love the horns. They are bold, yet delicate.