Not Going for Gold

by @strumandstress

Liner Notes



I know I never will compete at the Olympic Games It seems that I am no athlete I wouldn’t make those claims
I won’t win silver bronze or gold or any sort of medal In running rowing archery or cycling when you pedal

I’m not prepared to do the work to get in top condition I’m lazy and I know I’ll shirk I don’t have the ambition
I do not think I’ll motivate myself to do the training And I am quite prepared to state I’ll skip it if it’s raining

I do not go fast when I run I don’t have the persistence I think the 100 metres run is over middle distance
The hammer’s hard the javelin’s sharp the shot’s a heavy lump Although I am not one to carp I really can not jump

I know that I have a glass jaw I’m too afraid to box Not strong enough to pull an oar too overweight to cox
Not flexible or powerful for anything gymnastic my sailing on a single hull is well short of fantastic

Its possible that I’d be best at sports where you sit down The showjumping might meet the test on where I win the crown
But I am scared of falling off It’s alright when you’re standing But once out of the saddle there’s the problem of the landing

I don’t think that I could compete at those new-fangled sports Climbing and skateboards I repeat I won’t put on my shorts
It maybe that I am too old my bones begin to splinter But I suppose when it gets cold they do it in the winter

While others keep the flame alive and hear their anthems glory I am not prepared to strive that is another story
A story that is to be told of victory hard fought of those prepared to seek the gold in the Olympic sport


I really enjoyed the rhymes here. Throughout the song, and particularly in that first verse!