People Don't Know Me At All

by @strumandstress

Liner Notes



They all say that you are conceited you never have any self doubt
And people say that I am modest with a lot to be modest about
But maybe you are overrated And your pride goes before a fall
And I will remain understated People don’t know me at all

And maybe I will have to lump it I don’t really think it is fair
You constantly blow your own trumpet You don’t seem to run out of air
And I have these depths that are hidden While they look to you standing tall
To speak well of me is forbidden People don’t know me at all

I guess that I have hidden talents They’re really not easy to find
My future might hang in the balance But I’ll try to pretend I don’t mind
I don’t think that you’re worth befriending I won’t be at your beck and call
And now it seems this is all ending People don’t know me at all


that is a terrific refrain, i like your strumining and natural way of singing. The song comes across without bing burdond with artifice.
Sad day, something needs to cheer you up. This little song surely sums up the frustration and lack of empathy you feel in this relationship. I like the way you play your uke. Nice lyrics certainly gets the point across.