about birds!

by @mahtowin

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

There is a birdhouse in my garden and I feed them all year round. All kinds of birds come: fat blackbirds, blue tits, sparrows, bullfinches, woodpeckers, magpies and now and then ravens also do the honors and strut across the grass!
Of course, their chirping and singing is amazing.
However, I find it most beautiful when I hear the sound of their wings. Nothing sounds like that and it makes me downright happy!

While listening to them today, I created this little poem, which I'm making available here in case it inspires any of you. Feel free to take it! Even if just one line from it inspires you to write a text or even a song, I would be very happy!

Maybe I'll put it to music myself, but not yet.

#needsmusic #needscollab #needsvocals #lyricsonly


About birds

It's easy to be content!
To sit here.
For some minutes ...
and here you are!

Hardly a sound makes me feel happier
and comforts me more then the
of your wings!

Light as air!
Your gift
is much more then your flapping wings!
Your gift
is my contentment!
To sit.
And here you are!

It seems that I'm a listener!


i love bird songs, cindyrella and i often try an sneak one in! a very comforting lyric!
This makes me happy. I was just thinking that I should put up some bird feeders. I, too, love the flip flap of wings. Even a tiny bird announces itself with its fluttering wings. A gift, yes
This is lovely.

I hope to put these fine lyrics to music tomorrow.

I watched what I think is a light tan rock pigeon with a dark undertail sitting high in a treetop this afternoon. There was a mourning dove far below singing it's oooh oooh song, and the pigeon seemed to enjoy that. It took off, made a chock chock sound and flew in a huge circle, several times.

I'm pretty sure it was a pigeon. I had binoculars. But it seemed quite big. Maybe it was the magnification, but I don't think so.

We're here on the west coast, near Canada, for another week, then we'll head back to Maryland for a month and then return here. I've been productive and content. We've been here most of the year helping our daughter and her family with a new grandchild.
Very nice. Love the Flap-Flap-Flap!