Descendinato Beats

by @esc4p3

Challenge: Descending Chords

Liner Notes

This is for the weekly challenge of descending chords, or at least descending notes!

The basic rhythm had come to me whilst I was out all day on Saturday and I didn't have time before now to get something down. It is a foray into another genre that I'm not that familiar with....mainly recorded straight off the Fantom with a couple of virtual additions plus an extra bit of reverb.

Used to make this track:

Reaper DAW
Fantom Piano, Drums, Flutes, Sax
BBCSO Horns and Glockenspiel

#jazz #weeklychallenge #hashtag


Carl - sent you an email about the possibility of combining this track with one of your lyrics. It makes me want to sing!
Very jazzy feel. I LOVE the offbeat rhythm of those flutes in the main riff.
Has a chill Munsters, Addams Family vibe to it. A relaxing downward trip.