stay here

by @miga

Challenge: Descending Chords
stay here

Liner Notes

#facepalm #itsfinished #girlwithpiano #whatever


As for the lyrics, I heard once that human beings are rather like babies in their dirty diapers: too often we'd rather sit in our crap than be changed. While I'd like to think that I have adult issues and understandings, I'm not sure it's always true.


stay here

forgiveness is an uphill climb 🧗
still aching so I take my time
can’t go back down
but I don’t want to move ahead

even with muscles straining I feel venom rise again
Isn’t silence better
Wiser than the same old angry words?
my defense, my attempt to keep my distance

A thin disguise indeed
words that you see through
Between two awkward stages
I try hard not to move

If I can just stay here
be angry
do nothing
be angry
do nothing

hope is a thing to drive away
consistently it has betrayed me
I won’t do that again
but it follows close behind me
and what it needs
it carries with it
the whisper-quiet counsel wears me down

why can’t I just stay here
be angry
do nothing
be angry
do nothing new at all?

Don't stay here
Don’t linger in this place
Don’t stay here
Don’t linger in this place
Don’t stay here

don’t stay here
don’t linger in this place


I like how you share this longing to take the good advice, but show how nearly impossible it is to pull off. It's so much easier to just write an advice song from the standpoint of "I have seen the light" Forgiveness is an uphill climb is such a great way to start. So true and useful.
Nicely articulated dilemma.

The less-is-more arrangement works well, makes the dynamic parts very powerful. Neat detuned piano sound too.
Really good stuff. So well constructed. Such a thoughtful lyric. Wow.
I love the combination of the rhythmic piano track with the chord progression under your lovely verse vocals. Great chorus - and it really gets to the heart of your song theme - and the repetition makes it even more powerful, and perfect prosody also. I enjoyed the journey your song took me on - very nice transitions. Love the outro too - great message, love that dissonance.
No facepalm 🤦‍♂️ or "whatever" here, @miga , only applause 👏 and Bravo! This is an awesome write! I dig the the dark, troubled, questioning, and determination weaved within and how it's all cleverly expressed. And your chorus rocks! Deliberate, it says so much with that glimmer of hope subliminally expressed while at the same time nailing that lyric hook and foundation so needed.

Solid demo! Dig the cadence in your voice, the music play, and delivery. Just as powerful as all is sweet in this write, so too is all meaningful and memorable due to your ace performance of it in song!