waking dream

by @nahlej381

Liner Notes

#postpunk #shoegaze #emo #demo #insomnia

like the instrumental, the vocals on this are basically unlistenable but i had to get it out so i can move on lol. will come back to this later maybe. who knows. laid down for 45 minutes last night and shot up feeling like i'd been asleep for 10 hours. i'm peeved to say the least. oh, i've taken up spray-paint art recently. im bad at visual art, but i've been having fun with it. i'ma use those as my thumbnails for the rest of the summer i think. it's cheap and effective. youtube university had me goin in like 20 minutes. it's so friggin fun.


I haven’t slept in what seems like years

Mind wanders light years from right here

Waking dream an endless stream of nightmares

It might bother me if I cared

Caught trapped ensnared

Alone afraid scared

Beware and be aware

My whole life is a falling dream

Out the frying pan outta Vaseline

Am I counting sheep

Or days without sleep

Lay me down soul to keep

This mattress may as well

Be a bed of nails

A head of spiders

A soul in hell

A friend in need

Or what’s left of me


Yeah - what @billwhite51 and others have mentioned: nothing wrong with the vocals, dude. I’m kinda wondering why haven’t you done lead on some of the MM stuff. You should. You really should. I rather like it when you venture in this direction with your music. I get to hear aspects of your production chops that are proof positive of your versatility. Much appreciate you as an artist, my dude. And the lyrics to this aren’t so deep that they’re non-relatable. Very cool.
i think sometimes you have more tags than i have words! but i can see why, very cross genre. very pretty with this big buzzy sound smacked against it!
I actually think vocals work really well (not just being polite etc.) theres this vibe going on I don't have a word for but I like it :D
This is a bit 'wall of sound' and what you've cleverly done is melt the vocals in such a way that the focus is on the whole track and how it sounds..

I like this kind of Seattle 90s vibe anyway, so nothing bad going on here for.me.
Love that guitar sound.
So buzzy.
Great vox.
I'm enjoying being drowned by the flood of sound in my headphones.
Yeah, I'm liking how your vox float peacefully over the turbulence below.
(BTW, you're not "bad at visual art", you're refining your visual art skills and moving forward!!!)
What do you mean your vocals are unlistenable? I love them. They dont sound so good when you reduce them with effects, but even those passages serve the song well. The lyrics are a precise description of the state of sleepless nightmares described. The instrumentals are a bit below low fi, but also serve the song well. I dont expect a song like this to sound like Paul Anka and 101 strings.