Please Yourself

by @strumandstress

Liner Notes



You want to eat that – please yourself You’re going to get fat – please yourself
You make suggestions – it’s great on your lips I have some questions – it stays on your hips
You might like the taste – please yourself. It goes on your waist- please yourself
You think it’s quaint if you show no restraint I could care less – please yourself

You’re wanting a drink– please yourself You don’t want to think – please yourself
Cry me a river one night on the town when your poor liver begins to shut down
You think that it’s fun – please yourself. Some oblivion - please yourself
There is no use in Al Co Hol abuse I could care less – please yourself

You want to go out – please yourself Go out and about – please yourself
You want to slow dance and move to the beat There isn’t much chance you have two left feet
You’re making a scene– please yourself. You’re not seventeen - please yourself
The dance floor will clear if you start to go near. I could care less please yourself

You want to move on – please yourself You think he’s the one – please yourself
You’re wanting sex and you’re making a splash, Brain writing cheques that your body can’t cash
You think he’s the prize – please yourself. You’ll swallow his lies- please yourself
Threre’s a sad end If he’s your boyfriend could care less – please yourself


I always enjoy a good unreliable narrator! Here they say overtly, “please yourself” and that they could care less. And yet. It’s clear they ARE critiquing the behavior and probably care a lot more than even they realize. The cheerful strumming and impartial delivery really set off the words here. Thanks for sharing!