The Traveler

by @ttg105

Liner Notes

#loud #fast

Great fun, although it was tough to play so fast!


I want to fly through the sky of your fingernails
sail in the electric waves of your brain
dangle off you ear lobe like a human earring
until I find my bearings

I want to shoot through your veins like adrenaline
slam your cortex with a rush of endorphins
use your eyes as a compass
your thighs as a rumpus room

I'm the Traveler ...

Ni-ni-ni-ni ni-ni-ni-ni
Ni-ni-ni-ni ni-ni-ni-ni


Rocking and skittering and pretty darn punk in its energy! This rocks hard, and it's loose jamming feel is a chaotic explosion of pure adrenalized enjoyment!
Okay, this makes me pretty happy. You have shot through my veins and released my dormant 16 year old self. Thanks for that! (Kudos for the excellent bass/drum groove)
sounds like a Bolan lyric, hence it appeals a lot. very hectic yet not chaotic track
sort of intelligent off edge punk.
Go chaos guitar! Leading the pack like a bad dog. Give the drummer a nice glass of lemonade. He earned it. Ni-ni-ni-ni great way to segue into . . .
use your thighs as a rumpus room..i like that! your speedy vocals ride hard on the fast pace of the music. lots of fun mutterings between the verses,
Full tilt boogie. This is the way.

I like how the different instruments drop into the beat, as if they're gradually realising that yes, we ARE actually going to play this fast... Glory!
Well - i declare this as a punk rock song and as a real punk song it HAS to be fast and loud and crazy!
I agree with SBS - creepy lyrics! I love Ni-Ni-Ni, like someone is really annoyed about something!
Cool song!
"dangle off your ear lobe like a human earring." Hilarious! A bit creepy. Ha! Too fast to dance to, although I would probably try - lol!