Shoegaze Song

by @edwardsmusic

Liner Notes

I started this song during FAWM but wasn't inspired enough to finish it. Then during 50/90 I decided to revisit the song and complete it.

In Mixcraft I saw a virtual instrument called "Shoegaze", which was a split instrument sound. On the left side was a chorus/delayed guitar sound, while on the right side was a synth pad.

I don't listen to shoegaze, but was inspired to try writing in a different style based on the virtual instrument name.

I researched shoegaze themes, lyrics, chord progressions and tempos, and used the information from those searches for this song. I used the cut-up technique to cut up different shoegaze song lyrics and rearrange them into something new.

The bass and drums were also virtual instruments. I used the MT-PowerDrumKit plugin for the drum sound and sequenced drum patterns.

I recorded the vocals on a Razer headphone microphone and treated the vocal with reverb, phase and a bit of delay. The drums were also treated with heavy reverb.
This song was completed on the 10th of July.

#shoegaze #rock #alternative #dreampop


The years melted away
I wonder, where have you been?
Intentions get vaguer by the day
Pale like the colour of your skin

The time has flown with nothing to do
What do you mean, specifically?
Time for me to look at you
And you to look at me

The years melted away
I wonder, where have you been?
Intentions get vaguer by the day
Pale like the colour of your skin

The time has flown with nothing to do
What do you mean, specifically?
Time for me to look at you
And you to look at me


Fun to think about approaching shoegaze as a research project. There’s a feeling of looking back at Bubblegum pop through a wall of sound. Like a wall of water that turns a scene into a painting.
Great song, I would turn the reverb effect a tad down on the voice: it will improve understanding the lyrics. Very well done
this is goood song in its own right and i am really enjoying it, but your AI has no conception of shoegaze. Check out the band "Ride." one of the bands that defined that term, and you will hear what I mean.
Really got me when the drums kicked in. And those plaintive, almost surreal vocals really got me in the feels. This is gorgeous!
good lyric and nice presentation
I love the shoegaze instrument sound! The process behind this is super interesting - I listen to a lot of shoegaze and I think you’re approach to it from a perspective of not listening to a ton of it but still researching it helps you come at it from a really original and unique perspective. I like the lyric themes too with the idea of time passing and watching things start to change