Casting Shadows in the Shallows

by @l_j

Liner Notes



You produce an array of sounds here that makes my head feel all warm and fuzzy. Yeah, and it is quietly funky. Love it!
Gotta agree with the other comments, this could have kept going. That groove is wonderful, but for me it’s the guitar that drives this one. The guitar’s rhythm is killer & the tone sits so perfectly in the mix. Awesome track!

See You In The Shadows…
I agree with gfandme. I was truly getting into this and then it was over!
These loose but still groovingly sweet drums, I love them. I'm a sucker for that kind of sound, but when there is an actual groove present. You keep it anchored with the snare (snare sounds great btw).
This feels...sauntering. lol that's probably the first time i've ever written that word. But it def feels like someone strutting down the street, KNOWING they are ALL THAT, and don't care what nobody else think. They even got a little bop in their step.
Those distant vocals panned to the left fit so nicely with the rest of the feel of the tune and also add tons more character to it.
Yeah this was a fun and enjoyable (and short) listen.
Getting a G-Love and Special Sauce vibe with this one, but with an ounce of shoegaze-y spirit. Really awesome.
sounds wonderful, very nice guitar playing!
My only complaint is that this tune is too short.
Love those loose-sounding drums.
And the minimal guitar.
Too many people play too many notes, but this here is the perfect number of notes.
More please.
has the feel of a grateful dead space jam,, but is way to brief for that, so ill take it as a slice of whole grain musical bread to nourish my soul.
Nice garage feel. Chillin’ out, hanging with the chooms and playing some tunes.