The Stabby Shanty

by @dr_griff

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

#shanty #scifi #silly

A few months ago, @tawny249 challenged me to write a sea shanty about Stabby the Space Roomba. (If you don't know, Google it and then read the massive cache of Tumblr posts and Reddit/AO3 stories about Fleet Admiral Stabby.) Now, that shanty is completed.

The shanty I chose to set this to is the one that was all the rage during the start of lockdown. Search "Nathan Evans - The Wellerman" to find it on YouTube.


TTTO “The Wellerman”

I was just a cadet when I arrived
I was young and strong and fierce and alive
Sitting in the mess with my fellow crew
I was ready to serve and thrive

Then a bite on my ankle made me roar
And I glared at a bot down on the floor
Another crewman laughed at me
“You haven’t met Stabby before?”

Stabby the Roomba patrols this ship
And the crew of the USS Mir
Know to watch their step when they beam on board,
For Stabby does not steer clear!

While I nursed my wound, the man explained
(He said that Arkie was his name)
This cleaning bot was a special one
They called him “Stabby, sir!”

Somebody - no one knew who
A member of our merry crew
Had fitted Stabby with a knife
And why, nobody knew.


It took a while, he had to admit
But after just a little bit
Everybody fell in line
‘Cause Stabby was a hit

It was then agreed he’d keep the rank
Of the highest-ranking person he could shank
And that’s how Stabby the cleaning bot
Became a Fleet Admiral


Since then Stabby gets salutes
And we all guard our formal boots
His standing has the deepest roots
And everybody knows.

And when visitors beam onto the Mir
We never tell them Stabby’s here
They all must learn to dodge and rear
And dance away from danger.



@mhorning - capitalized syllables for emphasis. The second line only has three beats (leave the fourth one as a held note - miiiiiiiiiiiiiir). The third has a quick pickup of two non-emphasized beats before the first main beat on CREW; the fourth has a pickup of one non-emphasized beats before the first main beat on STAB:

STABby the ROOMba paTROLS this SHIP
And the CREW of the YOU ess ess MIR
Know to WATCH their STEP when they BEAM on BOARD
For STABby does NOT steer CLEAR

Does that help? My own lyrics have the emphases bolded, but the FAWM site doesn't seem to have the ability to bold, italicize or underline.
Griff, try as I might, I absolutely cannot get the chorus to scan to Wellerman.