Etude No. 86 - 4 303s Walk Into A Bar

by @psyt

Liner Notes

Hi there, hello~ :D
Been a while, but I'm back. Both back in Australia, and back to writing music. :)

(technically finished like half an hour into July 6th, but I'm in future time here in Canberra, so it doesn't count, not that it really matters :p)

#downtempoacid #piano #electronic


I love the way the tension and intrigue grow. Sometimes my ears are just in the mood for a bit of sour - a bit of meltiness - a bit of acid. This song delivers. The slightly erratic percussion is impactful: adding to the unease, and hinting at the violence that is threatened by the 303s.

The hazy siren calls that kick in around the four minute mark are great - something of a greek chorus for what's about to go down at 4:55. Great start.
Very atmospheric. I like the feint echo you achieve with the piano. The variations of percussion make it interesting and kept my attention. The build up in instrumentation added drama. Nice work.
welcome home! unless you are very north - oh i see Canberra well its been pretty cool everywhere! great percussion including that real dissonance part! a real ear full in the phones!
Looks like those 303s are respectable guys.
Hey thanks @kaminokai - both for the comment and for buying it, I really appreciate it, and it's made for a great start to my 5090. Yay :D
Welcome back to the future. I am still lingering on the Fifth. Nice melancholy open, into those NIN drums. Really like that melody bass line over the mood. Kinda cyberpunk. Cool.